Book Your Party in our Royal Party Room!
Celebrate your big day royally! The birthday child can be crowned the King or Queen of Treehouse for a Saturday morning or afternoon and sit in the royal throne attended by 12 guests (13 children plus 5 adults). Presents can be opened and the Treehouse Party host will help with a special activity depending on the age of the guests. The party price includes admission for all the children and adults in the group. Due to COVID party parents are encouraged to serve individual cupcakes or send treat bags home with guests at the end of the party.
Royal Parties are $125 for Members
or $160 for non members and include:
- Two hour admission from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on a Saturday morning or 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday afternoon for up to 13 children and up to 5 adults (18 yrs +) with one adults for every 5 children.
- A special royal activity in the party room for children ages 4 and up, along with time to open gifts and eat cupcakes or hand out treat bags. (Treehouse will provide ice water and paper cups and paper products. Treehouse provides a golden goblet for each child that can hold your treat bag or one you can purchase from Treehouse for $7 per child that includes a harmonica necklace, gold chocolate coins, and a bookmark.)
- Plenty of time to explore the Treehouse exhibits as a party group with supervision by the adults with the party.
- A Treehouse Party Host to help with room cleaning and use, to conduct the royal activity, and to make announcements to help gather your party guests.
Please note: Due to COVID concerns, individual cupcakes or treat bags are allowed currently in the Party Room and party size is limited. Treehouse does not allow balloons, pinatas, or lit candles at any time. Party guests must be supervised all through the party time by the adults with the group. The Royal Party Room is limited to 18 total occupants.
To schedule your party, call 801-528-4708.
Have a Really Big Royal Party at Treehouse!
Have Treehouse all to yourselves by renting the whole Museum for a Holiday Party or other celebration for a crowd. Rentals are for 3 hours and up to 350 guests. The cost is $800 for schools and Treehouse Museum Members or $1,200 for non members. For details please contact Lynne at 801-528-4708.