ParticiPlays: Theater Arts For Children

Treehouse invites children to step on stage in ParticiPlays.® These unique, improvisational theater arts experiences foster crucial skills like communication, listening and following directions, creative thinking, and collaboration. ParticiPlays® help children develop confidence and self-esteem as they perform for others on the Simmons Storybook Stage. The stories shared as ParticiPlays® are original adaptations of folk and fairy tales from around the world.

Children who watch our ParticiPlays® benefit from the live theater experience, too, as they stretch their attention spans and anticipate the coming action. If children don’t volunteer to be in the play during their first visit to Treehouse, it’s highly likely that they will on future visits, once they see how much fun the young actors are having.

ParticiPlays® are part of regular daily family programming at Treehouse and are offered free with admission or membership. ParticiPlays® are also a featured activity for every school tour that visits Treehouse, too.


Thank You to Our Program and Exhibit Donors