Treehouse Museum loves enthusiastic volunteers who can assist with programs and special events, and can work as exhibit hosts. Treehouse can provide volunteers with real-world, confidence-building experiences, and opportunities to acquire valuable job skills.

At Treehouse, we have several categories of volunteers.


Friends Volunteers

Adult volunteers who can commit to a regular schedule of volunteering can really make a difference to Treehouse’s school and public programs. Scheduled training sessions are required. Tasks include exhibit supply preparation and special projects for the first 20 hours of service and then helping with tours and theater programs.


Download Our Volunteer Application


Treehouse S.P.Y.s

Treehouse is looking for enthusiastic young people,  between the ages of 11 and 15, who love reading, learning lots of new things, and making new friends. SPYs at Treehouse are Special Participating Youth who will give 100+ hours of service learning over a year. All SPYs must attend all trainings and can attend one or both special summer workshops, which are FREE for SPYs.  SPYs will be asked to help with 3 summer free days at the Museum, working either a morning or afternoon schedule. They'll also serve as pirates for the annual Pirate Party on the last Saturday in August.  They will have the opportunity to volunteer for the evening events during the school year or to help with STEAM Saturdays.


Download the 2024 S.P.Y. Info Flyer


The S.P.Y.  program at Treehouse is supported by:


Please contact our Volunteer Mentor, Gina, for more information about being a volunteer at Treehouse in the future. You can call her at 801-394-9663 ext. 106, or send her an email at

Thank You to Our Program and Exhibit Donors